L to R: Shop Manager Sonia with owners Vanessa and Dave

L to R: Shop Manager Sonia with owners Vanessa and Dave

All About Levens Village Shop

Thank heavens for Levens - Size isn’t everything!

Vanessa and Dave took over the shop in July 2015 and whilst neither of them had experience of running a shop, they had loads of ideas, a love of community and vision and hope. 

Vanessa is the driving force in the business, the one who finds new products and suppliers and does the admin.  She’s keen to ensure we have a large selection of every day groceries which come from NISA and allow us to stock a great selection of CO-OP products but also likes interesting and imaginative products and services, so we use over 30 local suppliers alongside our daily staples. She also likes to have the shelves well-stocked and sometimes forgets the shop doesn’t have elastic walls!

Quirky and fun, Vanessa likes to do things differently and hopes this twist makes for a more interesting shop. 

Dave on the other hand is maturing nicely, like a single malt whisky or a rich blue cheese, and he’s ready to spend more of his time walking the fells, reading and painting. He does, however, make an excellent tea boy and provides lots of moral support to everyone! 

They know they are very fortunate to have such fabulous staff and fabulous customers and it’s their pleasure to be at the centre of the community.